Surviving the Storm


Several inches of snow, followed by 1/2 inch or more of ice, followed by a few more inches of snow.  This is the reason I no longer live in upstate New York, but every few years we get hit with it.

I’ve really got nothing to complain about.  Our power must have blinked off Tuesday night, since I had to reset a couple of clocks.  But other than that, it’s stayed on.  Half a million people have lost theirs, including HS, who has moved home for the duration.

Our driveway is somewhat long and steep, so it had to be shoveled before we could think of going anywhere.  Mr. B was out of town, and HS hadn’t come home yet.  That left BD and me.  Our first task was to move a large tree limb that had come down.  It was maybe 20 feet long, frozen to the driveway, and also frozen to some smaller limbs that came down.  We pulled off the foreign tree parts and I sawed off a few limbs, and we were finally able to move it, about a foot at a time.  Once it was off the driveway, I gave BD a high five and announced “We don’t need no steenkin’ men!”

An hour later I called a neighbor to hire her son and a friend to finish the shoveling.


  1. Posted January 29, 2009 at 10:22 AM | Permalink

    Glad you’re surviving! Isn’t it a bummer when NY follows you to KY?! ;-)

  2. Posted January 29, 2009 at 10:43 AM | Permalink

    For our December storm in Seattle, I had to overnight a shovel from Amazon because someone left our old shovels in Boston. (Then it took two days, not one, and I had to take the Quattro Audi out to the FedEx depot to get it …)

    Drews last blog post..Lance Armstrong, I’m NOT

  3. Posted January 29, 2009 at 12:33 PM | Permalink

    I feel so guilty complaining about the weather here in the semi-tropics. The ice on the trees is beautiful if it is not happening locally. I have never shoveled snow. But I have scraped ice off a windshield and slid off the icy road while visiting Tennessee in the winter. Never again.

    Rangers last blog post..Lemme ‘lone . . .

  4. Posted January 30, 2009 at 6:22 PM | Permalink

    We just got a dusting of snow here but it was enough for the girls to get totally pumped about it…and build a miniature snowman.

    So glad your power stayed on!

    Jamies last blog post..Child Labor

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  1. By Bluegrass Mama » Chutzpah on January 30, 2009 at 8:33 AM

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